Tuesday, September 17, 2013



Okay, the who's, what's and wheres (and more)!

Who:  Who are you going with?  A team from my church!  I attend Clinton Valley Assembly of God in Clinton Township, MI.  It's a small(er, but growing!) congregation that heartily preaches the personal relationship God wants to have with us.  I have been going to this church since May of 2013 and greatly enjoy my time and worship there.

What: What are you going to be doing there?  A week-long Vacation Bible School for the children, as well as potentially some other community service projects along the way including but not limited to construction and painting.  In general, preaching about God's love to the children, while showing them what it feels like - by loving on them ourselves!  Hoping to inspire, encourage, teach, and learn.

Where: Where are you going?  The Republic of Macedonia!  More specifically, Skopje - home of the Millennium Cross ... one of the largest crosses in the world!

When: When are you going?  June 13th-June 21st, 2014.  A week-long trip, with two days of travel time.

Why: Why are you going?  That's a trick question, right?  To spread God's love to the unreached!  To be used by God in spectacular ways.  If I can encourage even one person, that's one more soldier for the Army of God!

Cost: How much is it going to cost you?  That's the painful question.  The trip is $1,800, and everything is included in that - airfare, food, lodging, etc.  However, I will also need to get a passport, which is $165 after fees.  I'm rounding up to a solid $2,000, to include buying some supplies for the VBS, and treats for the children.  Anything raised beyond that will go toward buying a few souvenirs and gifts - and/or donated to another person going on a missions trip!

Help?: How can I help you?  There are MANY ways you can help me!  I need PRAYERS - and tons of them!  Not only will this be my first time going on a missions trip, and helping spread the word of God, but it will also be my first major trip out of the country.  I need prayers to help me keep focus as the date nears.  I need prayers that God will use to me to His will while I'm there.  I need prayers that I can raise the appropriate amount of funds needed for the trip, by the appropriate deadlines.  I need prayers for safe travels, you name it - I need prayers for it!

I also need your help, monetarily!  I cannot make this trip without your support, and fully trust God will provide with me it through hard work, and YOU!  Please keep watch for when I have started the online donation site, I'll keep you in the know!

Thank you for your support in whatever way God moves you to help!



Hello, and welcome!

I have struggled for years with the indiscernible nag inside me that I was supposed to be doing something more, something bigger, than what I was doing on a day to day basis.  I wasn't able to figure out what that nag was, until I started seeking out the Lord again.  I knew that God was challenging me to find my place.  To seek out what it was that I needed to be doing, to glorify him.  I started attending my church, Clinton Valley Assembly of God in May of 2013.  By August of 2013, I knew I had found the place where I need to be to start my journey.  Later in August, our church announced they were going to be going on a missions trip to Macedonia in June of 2014.

I waited for a while to see if this was my wake-up call.  To see if this was where I needed to go, to get myself on the right track.  In early September at evening church we watched a video of Jim Cymbala speaking - and during that video he said a few words that resonated with me.  Words about how we could sit around wasting our short life here doing nothing, or we could get up and DO something.  I knew that was my message - I'd debated staying home that night.  Something told me I needed to go.  I'd been praying that the message would be clear so I would know it when I heard it - boy was it ever!
The next week, was the informational meeting about the trip, and everything just sounded RIGHT.  This was my trip.  My chance to get out there and do the "somethings" I need to be doing.

The verse that I hold steady to right now, is 1 Chronicles 16:24 - "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!"

God put a lightness in my heart where there had previously been a dark heaviness, and I am eternally grateful for him helping me to feel forgiveness and restored love again.

I hope you'll follow me on this journey.  My next entry will be information on the trip, so that you all will know just as much as me.


P.S. Please feel free to ask questions- I'll answer as soon as I can!
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" - See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/bible-verses-for-missions.html#sthash.e1fLKlrY.dpuf
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" - See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/bible-verses-for-missions.html#sthash.e1fLKlrY.dpuf
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" - See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/bible-verses-for-missions.html#sthash.e1fLKlrY.